Does addy review deals requiring a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment?

For a Public Issuance, addy will review a deal requiring a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment depending on what stage it is in. This is not applicable to a Private Issuance.

addy will review a Public Issuance deal contingent on the results of a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) under the following conditions:

  1. No Further Action Required: If the Phase II ESA concludes that no further investigation or remedial action is necessary, addy will proceed with the review of the deal.

  2. Action Required: If the Phase II ESA identifies issues that require remediation, addy will not proceed with the deal review until:

    • The required remedial actions have been completed, and/or
    • A remediation plan has been completed and certified by the appropriate local or provincial authority for the work completed.
  3. Absence of Phase II ESA: addy will not consider deals where a Phase II ESA has not been conducted, if such an assessment is deemed necessary.