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Information for Issuers
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Closing an Issuance
Transaction Ledgers
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Debt Issuances
The Offering Document
Subscription Agreement Template
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I need human support
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Accredited Investor Categories
Hard Money Loans
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addy Help Centre
Information for Issuers
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Bank Account Linking
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Information for Issuers
Getting started
Accessing Investor Information
Public Issuance
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Automated Emails and Notifications for Investors
Wallets and Funding
Closing an Issuance
Transaction Ledgers
Private issuance
Debt Issuances
The Offering Document
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Information for Dealers
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I need human support
Information for Accredited Investors
Accredited Investor Categories
Hard Money Loans
For Borrowers
For Lenders
addy Employees
Information for Issuers
Answers to common questions and other information for Issuers; Directors, Finance, Legal, Analyst
Does addy work with Capital Brokers?
addy requires a signed Letter of Attestation for Court Proceedings
Federal Business Number is a mandatory field when doing a Public Raise
As an Issuer how can I download my Corporate Securities Register (CSR)
How do I access the Directors' Consent Resolutions (DCR) for an issuance.
Add a new Category and/or Document Label to a Data Room
How do I add my entity's bank account?
How do I configure Estimated Distribution Schedule for my issuance?
Entity Overview Permissions
Data Room Permissions
Issuance Permissions
Transaction Ledger Permissions
CSR Permissions
Directors, Officers, and Signatories Permissions
Distribution Permissions
Raise Capital Permission
How does my subscription agreement get automatically created?
Accountability of the Subscription Agreement
Understanding Minimum Required Investment
Is a confidentiality agreement provided by addy?
Is a subscription agreement provided by addy?
Is a funds flow agreement provided by addy?
Is a share certificate provided by addy?
Is a DCR distribution agreement provided by addy?
Are director's consent resolutions provided by addy?
Is a pre-authorized debit agreement (PAD) provided by addy?
Is a T5 provided by addy?
Is a T5013 provided by addy?
Is a quarterly statement provided by addy?
What documents are provided when I use addy's software?
What data do I need to provide to addy so I can get approved to raise capital?
How to invite a dealer to your issuance
What is a Public Issuance?
Issuance Accepting Only Settled Funds
Getting started
How can I list a property with addy if I haven't done so before?
Signing up for an addy Business account
How do I add an entity to my account?
How do I add a property to my entity?
As an Issuer account owner, how can I add another user to my account?
What should I input for Short Address
What should I input for Property Name
What are the four real estate strategy types?
As an Issuer, how can I add a dealer to an entity?
Entity Details: What is the field "Trust Name" used for?
What is the "Cost per Security" field used for?
Entity Details: What is the field "Asset Manager" used for?
Entity Details: What is the field "Entity Name" used for?
How does addy Classify Issuers?
Where does my Company Name get used?
Issuer onboarding process
What is the Plan field used for?
What User roles are available on an Issuer Account?
Are there fees associated with Wire Transfer?
What is the "Campaign Start Date"?
What is the "Campaign End Date"?
How to Upload a Headshot to addy Business
How do I fill in the Neighbourhood Highlights section of addy Business?
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What does addy Business provide for tax filings for Issuers?
What are the categories for classifying a distribution?
How can I preview and release T5s?
How to Review and Generate T5013 Tax Slips
What are my responsibilities for providing tax forms as an issuer?
How does the T5013 Slip generator handle custom values?
How many decimal places are used for tax reporting?
See more
Accessing Investor Information
What can I download from the Corporate Securities Registrar (CSR) tab?
What date should I choose for my First Estimated Distribution?
How is the distribution frequency applied?
How do I recast my estimated Distribution Dates?
How does the Estimated Disposition Amount field work?
The Distribution Schedule
See more
Public Issuance
Does addy review deals requiring a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment?
What privileges is the addy Squad given when I perform a Public Issuance?
Hiring an Independent Building Inspector
Launch Checklist requires Dealer Bio / Logo
What do I need in place to raise capital with addy?
What does it mean when an issuance is Coming Soon?
What does each issuance status mean?
What should I input for Primary Address
What is the Primary Image?
What is a mini prop image?
What is a mini prop sticker?
What is the Offering Date?
What is the Confirmation Email Visual?
What is the Confirmation Email Headline?
What are Property Highlights?
What is Property Description?
What is a Parcel Identifier (PID) or Property Identification Number (PIN)?
What is a Security Name?
What should I input for Entity Address?
How do I assign a Primary Signatory?
How do I enter Issuer Contact Person Address?
How do I upload my Issuer logo and bio?
What documents does the dealer need for due diligence for a Public Issuance?
What do I input into IRR?
What do I input into ROI?
Why can't I edit my addy Business account?
Summary of Key Canadian Securities Exemptions
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How do I accept an invite to addy Business?
How can I invite users to my addy Business account?
How do I provide an update for my property?
Settled funds Details
Information for Issuers about Reports of Exempt Distribution (RED reports)
Issuers: Information about system generated emails
What happens when I initiate a close for an issuance?
How is the Estimated Term field used?
See more
Menu Options
How do I set my Disclaimer?
How do I set a different (lower) max investment limit for a specific subscriber?
Manually verify or update KYC status
Issuers: Adding a director, officer or signatory to your account
Is your account owner an Entity Director?
Adding Investor facing confidential documents
Uploading documents to the Data Room
Navigating the Data Room
How to prepare and send a distribution
Using the Asset Release Notification tool
See more
Automated Emails and Notifications for Investors
What is the "Purchase Approved Email" and when is it triggered?
What is the "Almost Sold Out" Notification and when is it triggered?
What is the "Property Copped" email and when is it triggered?
What is the "Certificate" email and when is it triggered?
What is the "distribution wallet entry" and when is it triggered?
What is the "Upcoming property notification" email and when is it triggered?
What is the "recent property update notification" email and when is it triggered?
What does the property nickname look like in the addyverse
What does the property nickname look like in an investor's investment history
What does the property nickname look like in iOS app distribution notifications?
What does the property nickname look like in iOS property status notifications
See more
Wallets and Funding
Wallet Permissions
Issuers: How are my investors notified of a distribution I just paid?
Private Issuer: Selecting payment options for Private Issuances
Closing an Issuance
What to input into actual ROI?
What to input into actual IRR?
What to input into the Actual Term?
What is a Report of Exempt Distribution? How do I get the data to file one?
Exit distribution notifications
What is a Primary Signatory?
Transaction Ledger Summaries
Updating Your Minute Book After a Closing on Addy
How to access RED filing information after a closing
Private Issuer: How to record receipt of payment for Wires and/or Interac payments.
See more
Transaction Ledgers
Issuers: Closing Transactions on the Transaction Ledger
Transaction Ledger - Payment statuses
Transaction Ledger Status: Dealer Approved
Transaction Ledger Status: Pending Dealer Approval
Transaction Ledger Status: Pending KYC
Transaction Ledger Status: Pending Suitability
Transaction Ledger Status: Pending Funds Settlement
Transaction Ledger Status: Failed
What is the Property Nickname field used for?
Issuer: Can addy handle multiple prices for securities
See more
Private issuance
Private issuance statuses
What is a private issuance?
Private Issuance Quickstart Guide
Private Issuance Distribution Notifications
How to Invite Investors to My Private Issuance
How to Invite Employees to your Private Issuance
What is the minimum investment per investor field and how does it work?
How do I open my private issuance to all accredited investors on addy?
States for Private Issuance Transactions
How can I use my own custom landing page?
How to accept off-network and wire payments
See more
Debt Issuances
How do I set up a debt issuance?
What is estimated return?
What to input for Loan-To-Value?
What do I input into Actual Interest Paid?
The Offering Document
How does item 2 of the offering document get generated?
Providing Director Information
How is item 5 of the offering document generated?
Subscription Agreement Template
Page 3 of the Subscription Agreement template provided by addy
Schedule E of the Subscription Agreement Template
Providing Perks to Investors: What to know