How can I preview and release T5s?

Utilize the new 'Taxes' tab in addy Business to preview T5 slips for current and past tax years. When ready, release slips to members.

How to use:

1. You must have the Distribution permission in addy Business to see the "Taxes" tab. This tab is right of "Raise Capital'. Click on "Taxes":

2. Select the Tax Year you wish to view:

3. Past tax years will generally show the date that slips for that year were released:

 4. You can click "Download to Review" to review T5 data for a given Tax Year, current or past. A .csv file will then download. This file contains all the boxes that are found on a T5 slip, as well as the purchaser and issuer information.

5. For the current tax year, after verifying the information in the spreadsheet, you may click the toggle to Release T5 Slips to Investors:

This will make the slips available for download in Investor accounts. 

6. A success popout will show once T5 slips are released. Investors will not receive an email notification for the release.

7. At any point, you can click this toggle again to pull back the T5 slips so they are no longer available for download.