Private issuance statuses

Private issuances can be in one of 5 different states, summarized below.

What is a private issuance?

1. Hidden (Default):

Description: This status allows you to prepare the issuance before it goes live to the public or private investors. While hidden, the details will be concealed from both public and private investors, allowing thorough preparation. At this stage, you may also invite a dealer to your issuance if you choose to work with one. See this article to learn more.

Purpose: Ensures that all necessary preparations are completed before making the issuance visible.

Requirements: You must meet every criterion of the Status Checklist to unlock the Coming Soon, For Sale, Sold Out, and Exited statuses.

2. Coming Soon (optional):

Description: This optional status allows you to provide a preview of the private issuance to your private investors through their prop drop page of the addy app. You can now invite private investors to your issuance, see this article for details.

Purpose: Enables private investors to review the upcoming issuance and prepare for potential investment.

What does it look like?: Your property will be visible on the app to the investors that you invite, but they will not yet be able to invest. They will be able to read all public due diligence documents that you have provided.


3. For Sale:

Description: The issuance is available for investment via the addy platform. Investors that you invite can see the issuance on the "prop drops" feed of their addy app. They may now invest using funds that they have available in the addy wallets. You can now invite private investors to your issuance, see this article for details.

Purpose: Marks the transition from preparation to active investment phase.

What does it look like?: The "Invest" button is active, and the prop drops field

4. Sold Out:

Description: The issuance is no longer available for investment as all offered shares have been sold. Choose this status when you no longer wish to accept new investments, or if you have reached the end of a campaign. 

Purpose: Indicates the successful completion of the investment round.

What does it look like?: The property is still visible to investors that you invited on their "prop drops" feed of their addy app, but it is marked "Sold out" and nobody is able to continue investing.

5. Exited:

Description: The investment has reached its conclusion, and investors have exited with their returns. In order to transition to this state, you'll need to fill in the actual ROI and actual IRR fields, which are coming soon to addy Business! The property is then removed from the "Prop Drops" page and moved to the "Past" section of a member's account.

Purpose: Marks the end of the investment lifecycle. Investors should have received all owed funds at this point. 

*Caution*: You can't reverse the status "Exited".