What User roles are available on an Issuer Account?

You can choose between 'General User', 'Admin', and 'Onboard (addy Team Member only)' - this article details your options

Available Roles

General User - Select the specific Entities you wish to grant access for, and selectively choose which read and / or write permissions this User will receive. Every time you add a new Entity, you will need to manually grant access to this User

Admin - This User will receive full access to all Entities, including the ability to invite other Admins. Access will automatically be granted to new Entities. This role is not available to addy Team Members

Select addy staff members (cleared criminal record check and NDA signed) will have access to your account for due diligence and assistance purposes. 
When an addy staff member makes changes to your Issuance, you'll get a daily digest email with any changes so that you can review them.

How to Set Roles

After inviting new Users to your addy Business account, you can select their Role and associated Access Level:

1. Please first ensure that you are the account Owner or have been invited under the 'Admin' role - this page details how to invite users under the 'Admin' role

2. On the Settings page of your addy Business Account, select 'Manage Users':

3. Select the User you wish to Manage - if the user's Invitation Status is still pending, kindly remind them to accept the invitation in the email to avoid access issues:

4. If the User has an @addyinvest.com email address and is an addy Team member, the General User and Onboard roles will be available

5. If the User is not an addy Team member, the General User and Admin roles will be available

6. If you choose General User, you must select permissions for each Entity separately, and click 'Save' each time: