How does item 4 of the offering document get generated?

Item 4 of the crowdfunding offering document outlines the issuer's directors and their relevant experience.

The directors, officers, and signatories tab of addy Business should represent all of your issuing entity's directors (as listed in your register of directors). The details for each director can be added in this page, which will then automatically populate into section 4.1 of the offering document. 

Section 4.2 will automatically generate as follows:

None of the persons listed under item 4.1 nor the Issuer:
(a) has ever pleaded guilty to or been found guilty of
    (i) a summary conviction or indictable offence under the Criminal Code,
    (ii) a quasi-criminal offence in any jurisdiction of Canada or a foreign jurisdiction,
    (iii) a misdemeanor or felony under the criminal legislation of the United States of America, or any state or territory therein, or
    (iv) an offence under the criminal legislation of any other foreign jurisdiction,
(b) is or has been the subject of an order (cease trade or otherwise), judgment, decree, sanction, or administrative penalty imposed by, or has entered into a settlement agreement with, a government agency, administrative agency, self-regulatory organization, civil court, or administrative court of Canada or a foreign jurisdiction in the last 10 years related to:
    (i) the person’s involvement in any securities, insurance or banking activity, or
    (ii) a claim based in whole or in part on fraud, theft, deceit, misrepresentation, conspiracy, breach of trust, breach of fiduciary duty, insider trading, unregistered trading, illegal distributions, failure to disclose material facts or changes, or allegations of similar conduct,
(c) is or has been the subject of an order, judgment, decree, sanction or administrative penalty imposed by a discipline committee, professional order or administrative court of Canada or a foreign jurisdiction in the last ten years related to any professional misconduct,
(d) is or has ever been the subject of a bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, or
(e) is a director, officer, founder or control person of a person or company that is or has been subject to a proceeding described in paragraph (a), (b), (c) or (d) above.

If the above is not correct for any directors of the entity, you'll be able to edit the offering document manually to provide proper disclosure.